You’re Beautiful Episode 5

25 05 2010

You’re Beautiful continued… Episode 5 – AH! This is one of the best episodes of the series. Just love it! You’re already hooked, with this episode they start reeling you in. One of the best moments of the whole series occurred in episode 5. A moment that you can relate to with such clarity I could feel it in my chest – they return home and Tae Kyung smiles at her and the sound fills with her pounding heart beat. They perfectly capture that moment. For me that is why I am loving k-dramas. They do something I rarely see in American television.

What are similar moments in American television? Please comment if you can think of comparable episodes and series in American television. These are just off the top of my head, Sex in the City, Firefly, The Office UK.

Please vote in the poll for sexiest Korean actor as well. I also request that if you are willing, it would be fun to have you add comments giving the who, why and where you are (state).

Thank you.